Thursday, March 7, 2019


Let us get one thing clear. The demand for proof of the strike in Balakot is not because of lack of trust in the IAF. To the contrary, it is because of the total lack of credibility of the Modi government. Remember how it handled the surgical strikes, messing up the aftermath?
Let us get another thing clear. The demand for proof of the number of dead is not because of lack of trust in the IAF. To the contrary, it is the total lack of credibility of the Modi government . Remember, Amit Shah started the number race for votes by giving the figure of 250? The defence minister said something else. SS Ahluwalia said something else. Yeddyurappa something else. So, who is telling the truth and who is telling a lie? It is a matter of introspection for the BJP.
The BJP is fully aware that it is culpable on both counts. That is why it is spreading a canard that the opposition is denigrating the IAF. The IAF is not in the picture at all. The Modi government is. The BJP and the Modi government appear to be taking cover, cowering behind the IAF.
Ministers like Ravi Shankar Prasad and Prakash Javdekar, etc
are trying to come up with smart Alec answers like this: Did anybody ask for evidence about Osama's killing? Nonsense. Look how the Modi govt dealt with the surgical strikes in 2016, becoming a laughing stock in the process! Wasn't that a denigration of the armed forces? Of course, it was.
The BJP has a warped sense and definition of nationalism, integrity, respect and security. It is intent on using any or all of these aspects to further its personal, electoral cause. It is the master of whataboutery which unfortunately is lapped up and propagated by a significant section of the Indian media. Cannot blame the social media, because it is in the hands of the citizens of India who are left with no source of information other than the government. That is because the media has failed to perform its role as the gate-keeper to keep fake information from seeping in.
Look, how except the defence minister, every Tom, Dick and Harry in the Union cabinet is talking about the IAF strike! Look how the government did not spare even the IAF chief, using him to cover-up its irresponsible statements about the death figures. The foreign secretary already stands compromised, talking about deaths which even the IAF,which executed the strikes, refused to speculate about!
Look, how some channels went to town with 'proof' of the IAF strikes! They showed so-called satellite images in a 'before' and 'after' sequence to prove the attacks took place on the JeM buildings. They showed 'holes' on the roofs of the buildings and said the holes were made by the penetration technology that the Spice missiles have. Apparently they penetrate through the roof, go deep inside the building and then explode, thus "killing everyone inside". surprisingly, the channels could not explain how the bombs weighing thousands of kilos made a hole on the roof, went inside, exploded, destroyed everything but the roofs of the buildings!! Makes sense? Not to me.
One of the channels, enthusiastically talking about the hole theory, went on to add to the story: Referring to reports of some disturbed earth and trees which the foreign media said was the result of bombs falling on the ground, the channel reported: It is confirmed that the penetration missile, when it hits the ground, goes into the ground and explodes outward, creating a big crater. Aha! Is it to be understood, then, that in the case of brick and mortar buildings two or three floors tall, the penetration missile makes only a hole on the roof and ensures destruction of everything 'deep' inside except the roof and the building? But the same missile, in the case of hitting the ground, goes inside the earth and explodes outward, creating a crater, destroying everything around, including the point of entry into the ground! See how there is more confusion now?
Awaiting the next proof.