Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Is Obama the Moses of African Americans?

given that bush is among the most dangerous person on earth to have ever held office, he was probably passing a snide comment when he told obama...'go have fun'. perhaps he thinks only pure blooded americans like him can run a top office.
having said that, let us not be misled into thinking even for a minute that obama is the rescuer. he is sharp and a politician to boot. he correctly assessed the nation's mood against bush and made his plans accordingly and succeeded. the emotional rhythm of his speeches hardly matches the premeditated steps he has taken since his victory.
he always knew the african americans would back him. after all, as his speeches -- likened to martin luther and mandela -- suggest, he was trying to 'empower' the 'un- and under-represented, in this case, fellow 'blacks' if i may use the negative word.do you think now that obama has won the african americans will have a cosier life? hardly. all they will have is a 'sense', and only 'sense', of being empowered.
there are many eminent african amerians in every field of life who have made it to top. and obama tops the list. but a vast majority of the african americans are unlike their successful brethren (or sistren to satisfy the sexists). they are poor, uneducated, taken to drugs and crime -- a result of their bleak conditions. they will continue to rot in their own world, shunned by everyone, including the successful african americans.
in world history, members of an unrepresented class or race have, with some brave exceptions, ridden to power with the help of the superior class or race of their times. and once having tasted power, they have always tried more to retain that power by trying to emulate the superior class or race than to consolidate their base among their own class or race by uplifiting their fellows. obama will prove no exception.
i will be happy to be proved wrong.

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