Monday, November 23, 2009

Marathi Sachin

There's an ageing lunatic in Bombay (I insist on calling the city the way I choose to) and two mad cousins. They are the dogs of regionalist and linguistic wars. They have written their personal Mein Kampfs on how to come to power. These morons are of the view that only people who speak Marathi and are Marathi should live in Maharashtra. But for a small army of trash, the rest of the state does not support them. They use different weapons, from pamphlets to newspapers, to lathis and swords, to achieve their end. .
There's none they haven't targetted. I suppose it is a dubious distinction for anyone of importance not to be in their list of punishables. Sachin Tendulkar was one such, till recently. Now he has lost that distinction too.
The ageing lunatic is angry with Sachin because he said he is an Indian, while being a Maharashtrian. Because he said language, like caste and creed, do not bar any Indian from any place in India his or her home. That's blashphemous, the lunatic fringe concluded. So, they targetted the batsman.
The ageing lunatic wrote that Sachin has done nothing for Maharashtra through cricket. Do they expect him to stop playing for India until all the final eleven are from the same state? Do they expect the cricket team to speak in Marathi while in Maharashtra?
Someone was heard saying: The lunatics should be arrested. The question is: Why havent' they been arrested already?

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